Podcast 21: How Can We Encourage Girls To Play Sports?

Reading time: < 1
Daisy and Becky Piggott

Joshua McGovern

Joshua McGovern has been working with Teacher Toolkit since March 2018. He is responsible for our Soundcloud and iTunes channels and is the production manager for podcasts. He has a degree in Music Production and is a graduate of Leeds Beckett University. Aside from working...
Read more about Joshua McGovern
Reading time: < 1 minute

How can we encourage girls to play traditionally male-dominated sports?

Our 12th and 13th interview for the 100 Women series is with Daisy Gardner and Becky Kenneally, teachers at The Piggott School. Becky is a PE teacher, Head of Year 9 and shares the role as head of Key Stage 3. Daisy Gardner is also a PE teacher and Head of Year 7.

In this episode, you can hear Becky, Daisy and Teacher Toolkit editor, Holly Gardner:

  • express the value of having passionate sportspeople teaching young girls
  • humbly tell of their sporting accolades and career highlights
  • describe the challenges they faced playing male-dominated sports and the behaviour of young boys in class
  • highlight the importance of delegation, in managing your own time in a leadership role
  • share their behaviour management tips
  • discuss how bonding with students outside of class can reduce behavioural issues in students
  • name their 4 female role models and why they are such positive influences on female body image.

Holly says: “This podcast is full of practical tips and advice – from behaviour management, workload, managing a middle leadership role and how to be a strong woman! Don’t miss it!”


You can follow Daisy on Twitter here and Becky on Twitter here.

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