How can you transition into academic teaching?
Our 17th interview for the 100 Women Series, is with Jenny Fogarty at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine where she works as Assistant Professor in Teaching and Learning.
Podcast Summary
In this episode, you can hear Jenny and Teacher Toolkit founder, Ross McGill:
- describe what a typical day is like working in the largest school of public health in the UK
- discuss Jenny’s path to academia
- touch on the career achievements Jenny is most proud of
- explore why Jenny considers herself a “teacher whisperer”
- choose the one thing Jenny would like to see changed in education
- explore the advice Jenny has for young girls and what she wants for women in the next 100 years.
Remember, our podcast is available on iTunes!
Academic Teaching
In a follow-up conversation with Jenny, we asked: “What advice would you give to teachers wanting to move into academic education?”
“Find an element of your practice that you are curious about and develop your research question around that. Academia really values lots of the skills you develop in the classroom and in the right institution, you can grow and progress in ways that feel authentic to your teaching roots.”
You can follow Jenny on Twitter and the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.
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