Live Marking and Verbal Feedback
Is ‘live marking’ truly reducing the burden of written marking in our classrooms?
Is ‘live marking’ truly reducing the burden of written marking in our classrooms?
Could artificial intelligence help students cheat their way through exams and qualifications?
Why do some students remember more details than others?
How does your school measure up with its current feedback and marking approaches?
How does working memory influence classroom learning and behaviour?
Can neuroscience help teachers become more adaptable in the classroom?
What is adaptive teaching?
How do we test students’ creative thinking internationally, and reliably?
Do you understand how the brain learns?
How do you help someone understand how best to learn?
Is developing working memory in the classroom a waste of time?
Creative thinking is being tested in schools worldwide, but in England, it’s yet to become a curriculum priority. What could we gain by making it central to curriculum reform?