On-Demand Webinar: Guide To Memory


Note: This on-demand training is limited to 30 minutes and is not part of The Toolkit subscription or Teacher Training one-hour plus webinar services.

Guide To Memory will change your perspective on anything and everything you do in the classroom!

This on-demand webinar, exclusively available at @TeacherToolkit, is perfect for all teachers across the sector, including parents and governors. Ross McGill will show you how neuroscience insights, will change how you approach your everyday pedagogy.

This is an on-demand webinar for schools and colleges to purchase.

As soon as your order is received, Ross will contact you to discuss your needs and deliver a bespoke training session. Includes:

  • x1 signed copy of Guide To Memory
  • digital resource pack
  • x11 cartoon summaries – perfect for CPD sessions.
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Guide To Memory by Ross Morrison McGill, is an important piece of work that shows teachers how to translate cognitive science into practical techniques for the classroom. Ross has spent the last 15 years reading, writing and teaching other teachers about neuroeducation, condensing theory into a practical book, and a popular teacher training day.

At the heart of Guide To Memory is a practical application of complex neuroscience, brought to life in a grounded and expert way!

100% of staff were engaged in research, and enthused to share their learning.

Rosetta Dyer, headteacher, Dollis Primary, London


Recorded, Live


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