The 5 Minute Research-Inquiry Appraisal Plan


This is a 16-page PDF resource offered to support school leadership moving away from traditional teacher-appraisal; for schools who want to kickstart research-inquiry methods for teachers to lead their own appraisal performance, reflection and reporting.

Hands up ‘Who likes performance management?’

Exactly! It’s time to do things differently. I will upload a detailed walkthrough by 30 June 2021 and replace the current file.

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Date Updated: 27th February 2023Date Created: 24th June 2021 SKU: Research-Inquiry-Appraisal Categories: , Tags: , , , , , , , , , ,

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There will be thousands of teachers up and down the country, currently justifying their performance in their annual review meetings, explaining why and providing reams and reams of evidence to demonstrate how they perform and why they deserve a pay-rise.

Schools often ask me how we can move away from performance-related pay appraisal. This resource offers a template with supporting resources and a detailed video offered on the website, explaining how this can be implemented across an organisation.



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