Webinar: Just Great Teaching


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This 75-minute webinar shares my insights from 12 million readers, 25,000 teachers and ~200 school visits over the last three years. This resource shows teachers how particular problems can be resolved and how other schools are already doing this effectively.

The resource contains a walk-through video, a PDF resource pack, a large set of slides which cover content from Just Great Teaching, plus slides that subscribers can edit for themselves to help adapt these ideas back into their setting.

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Gain exclusive access to one of the ten chapters inside Just Great Teaching book, plus copies of the resources from all sections of the book.

We often talk about the challenges of teacher recruitment and retention, about new initiatives and political landscapes, but day in, day out, teachers and schools are delivering exceptional teaching and most of it is invisible. Ross uncovers, celebrates, analyses and disseminates best practice in teaching and research-led practice. This webinar shares Ross McGill’s experiences of working with schools at an international level… In this webinar, Ross unpicks:

  1. Becoming A Research-Informed Teacher
  2. Running a Research Project
  3. Cognitive Dissonance
  4. Research-Led Appraisal and
  5. Creating a Research-Led Culture



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