The Transformative Power of Low-Stakes Quizzing
What is low-stakes quizzing, and how do teachers use it in the classroom?
What is low-stakes quizzing, and how do teachers use it in the classroom?
Pragmatic Teacher Training & Inspiring Keynotes Ross Morrison McGill (aka @TeacherToolkit) has been working in the classroom since 1991 and…
Have you tried using prequestions (explicitly) in your classroom?
What is spaced practice, and does it improve student outcomes?
Do low-stakes tests actually improve learning in real-world classrooms?
How can retrieval practice transform your teaching?
How can technology support retrieval practice?
Do we immediately forget information after it has been taught?
What is cognitive load theory, and has it had any impact on teaching?
Are you teaching based on myths or science?
What is it like to teach in the Sultanate of Oman?
Are you harnessing the transformative power of metacognition in your classroom?